Shoreditch Facts That Will Make Your Kids Go Wow: 5 Things You Never Knew

Shoreditch, a vibrant and trendy part of East London, is known for its hipster cafes, street art, and creative atmosphere. But it’s not just a playground for adults—Shoreditch has a fascinating history and plenty of surprises that will leave your kids wide-eyed with wonder. Whether you’re planning a family outing or just want to impress your kids with fun facts, here are five cool things about Shoreditch that you never knew, including a crazy golf experience that’s perfect for a family day out.

1. Street Art Galore – Shoreditch is a Giant Outdoor Art Gallery

One of the first things your kids will notice when they step into Shoreditch is the explosion of colour on the walls, buildings, and even the pavements. Shoreditch is home to some of the most famous street art in the world, and it’s a constantly changing canvas. Artists from around the globe come to Shoreditch to showcase their talents, and you can spot everything from giant murals to tiny, hidden artworks in the most unexpected places.

The area is particularly known for its connection to Banksy, the elusive street artist whose works are scattered across London. While some have been removed or painted over, Shoreditch remains a hotspot for spotting pieces of his and other renowned street artists’ work. Kids will be wowed by the size and creativity of these artworks—giant animals, cartoon characters, and thought-provoking designs make Shoreditch feel like an urban wonderland.

A fun activity to do with your children is to go on a street art scavenger hunt. See how many different artworks they can find and take pictures of. Who knows, you might even inspire them to create their own masterpieces at home!

2. Shoreditch’s Secret Past – It Used to Be a Theatre Hub

Your kids might not think of Shoreditch as a place for Shakespeare, but it has a deep history tied to theatre. In fact, Shoreditch was once the centre of London’s theatre scene before the famous Globe Theatre on the South Bank came into existence. Back in the 16th century, Shoreditch was home to The Theatre, one of the very first playhouses in London, where Shakespeare’s plays were performed.

The Theatre opened in 1576 and was the original home of Shakespeare’s acting company, the Lord Chamberlain’s Men. When their lease ended in 1598, they dismantled the entire building and moved the timber across the river to build the Globe Theatre! So, next time you’re wandering around Shoreditch, you can tell your kids that Shakespeare himself might have walked those same streets.

3. Boxpark – A Shopping Mall Made of Shipping Containers

Kids love anything that looks unusual, and Boxpark in Shoreditch will definitely catch their attention. Boxpark is a pop-up mall made entirely out of shipping containers! This unique shopping and dining space is packed with trendy shops, quirky cafes, and exciting food stalls. The concept of using shipping containers to create a shopping area is a brilliant example of the creativity that defines Shoreditch.

Your children will be fascinated by the idea that these metal boxes, usually found on cargo ships, have been turned into cool spaces where people eat, shop, and hang out. Boxpark also hosts regular family-friendly events, such as live music and craft workshops, so there’s always something fun to do. Whether it’s grabbing a tasty snack or browsing the colourful stalls, Boxpark is sure to make an impression on your kids.

4. Crazy Golf at Junkyard Golf – A Wacky Family Adventure

If your kids love crazy golf, they’re in for a treat in Shoreditch! Junkyard Golf offers a unique, off-the-wall crazy golf experience that will have your family laughing and competing as you navigate through zany obstacles and wild-themed courses. Located in the heart of Shoreditch, Junkyard Golf takes crazy golf to a whole new level with its quirky designs, made from recycled and ‘junkyard’ materials.

Each course has its own theme, from scrapyard madness to neon jungle vibes, and there are plenty of fun surprises along the way, including flashing lights, giant sculptures, and playful challenges. It’s the perfect place for kids to burn off some energy while having a blast. Plus, there’s a snack bar where you can grab drinks and snacks, so the whole family can refuel after an intense game.

Junkyard Golf is great for kids who love interactive games, and it’s a fun way to spend a couple of hours while exploring Shoreditch’s lively atmosphere.

5. The World’s First Biscuit Factory Was Born in Shoreditch

Here’s a fact that will make your kids’ jaws drop—Shoreditch was home to the world’s first ever biscuit factory! In the 19th century, the area was a hub of industrial activity, and one of the most famous businesses to emerge was the Peek Freans biscuit factory. Founded in 1857, this factory revolutionised the biscuit industry and introduced some of the first mass-produced biscuits, including household favourites like the Garibaldi and Bourbon.

The Peek Freans factory was located in Bermondsey, just a short trip from Shoreditch, but its roots in the area helped shape East London’s industrial history. You can tell your children that some of the biscuits they eat today were first made right near Shoreditch!

From street art that turns walls into masterpieces to crazy golf that takes fun to a new level, Shoreditch is bursting with exciting facts and activities that will make your kids go “Wow!” Whether you’re uncovering its hidden theatrical past or marvelling at its creative flair, Shoreditch is the perfect place for a family day out filled with surprises.